Debriefing a study performance
Debriefing a study performance
You have written and submitted your first term paper, Now, you would like to know what your lecturer thinks of your work; therefore you go to one of their office hours and ask her/him for feedback.
Term papers serve as preparation for the final paper. Therefore, it is very important to carefully analyze the potential for improvement as well as possible recommendations for future work after the assessment by the lecturer. The grade alone does not provide you with sufficient information that would show what and in what way you could improve this term paper and what you need to pay attention to when writing the next paper. Therefore, after the assessment, you should clarify what possibilities there are for improvement and what mistakes – of content and/or form – should be avoided in the future. Sometimes you may even be given the opportunity to revise the paper and submit it a second time. However, this is not a rule and you should not assume that this is possible without further ado.
You should prepare this situation well by email. You must bear in mind that lecturers often have to deal with the work of many students at the same time in a tightly limited period of time and are therefore not able to spontaneously remember and comment on every piece of work. Therefore, it is important to email your lecturer to ask if he/she has already had the opportunity to read your work and to ask for an appointment to debrief the work. Be sure to use a polite tone in your request – this will increase the chances of an accommodating response. If there is an opportunity for you to see the work you have read, make use of it, as the lecturer's revision notes can be very helpful to you.
In the opening phase, you should briefly introduce yourself after the greeting. The self-introduction is an important orientation for the teachers. It is very important that you explicitly state your concern at the beginning of the conversation and that you state your goal of the conversation as directly as possible.
Greet each other
Guten Morgen/Tag, Frau/Herr [...]
Guten Tag, [Herr Doktor /Frau Professorin/ ...]
Introduce yourself
Ich heiße [...] und besuche [Ihr Seminar .../Ihre Veranstaltung ...]
Mein Name ist [...] und ich besuche bei Ihnen das Seminar [...]
Ich bin [...] und ich war [letzte Woche] bei Ihnen und da haben wir das Thema meiner Hausarbeit festgelegt.
Mein Name ist [...], und ich war [vor zwei Wochen] wegen [meiner Hausarbeit] bei Ihnen in der Sprechstunde.
Naming concerns
Es geht um [meine Hausarbeit/mein Referat/mein Protokoll/meinen Bericht] zum Thema [...].
Ich habe Ihnen (schon) eine E-Mail geschrieben wegen meiner Hausarbeit.
Es geht um mein Referat, das ich am [...] über das Thema [...] gehalten habe.
The core phase of a consultation depends on many factors and comprises correspondingly different components and can therefore only be recorded here as an example.
Asking questions about exam performance
Ich wollte Sie um ein Feedback zu meinem Referat bitten.
Ich wollte Sie fragen, wie Sie mein Referat gefunden haben.
Könnten Sie mir vielleicht schon eine Rückmeldung zu meiner Hausarbeit geben?
Ich wollte nachfragen, ob Sie schon dazu gekommen sind/Zeit/Gelegenheit hatten, meine Hausarbeit/meinen Bericht zu lesen.
Asking about the possibility of revision
Ich hätte schon gerne eine bessere Note. Dürfte ich die Arbeit dafür noch einmal überarbeiten?
Jetzt weiß ich, wie ich die Arbeit verbessern kann. Darf ich sie vielleicht noch einmal überarbeiten?
Gäbe es vielleicht die Möglichkeit, die Arbeit noch einmal zu überarbeiten?
Könnte ich die Arbeit nochmal überarbeiten und Ihre Anregungen/Vorschläge einbauen?
The end of the interview is generally introduced by a summary of the content of the interview and concluded with thanks and a greeting. Here, the extent and the type of thanks depend on the concern and the degree of responsiveness of the respective teacher.
Assure understanding
Das würde bedeuten, dass [...].
Habe ich Sie richtig verstanden, dass [...].
Ich sollte also [...]. Ist das richtig?
Wenn ich [das]/[Sie] richtig verstanden habe, heißt es, dass [...].